sound healing

“A fundamental principle of sound healing is that physical, emotional, and mental symptoms are being generated by an underlying energy field. Thus, if we change the energy field, then the physical, emotional, and mental behavioral patterns will also change.”
John Beaulieu

Sound has profound effects on our nervous, vascular and immune systems as it influences the nitric oxide production in our bodies.   It helps to stimulate our parasympathic nervous system so that we can begin to relax.  It can entrain our cells and bring coherence to parts of our energy fields that have become dissoant.  It has the potential to shift our lived experience and awaken the innate capcity of our body to heal.
I approach sound through two foundational frameworks, Acutonoics and Biofield tuning. They both help to cultivate an embodied attention and enliven the free flow of energy within our bodies.  Stasis is a state of dis-ease and flow returns us to ease.  Sound is a powerful tool for this process.

What is Biofield Tuning?

Our bodies produce electrical currents that run through them which generate an electromagnetic field.  Biofield tuning is a system created by Eileen Mckusick that works within this field.  In this approach, we entrain dissonant areas of the field into a coherent expression by applying the vibration of tuning forks.  This coherence brings our system into a state of flow and vitality.  

Biofield tuning is a means by which we can work with our energetic blueprint, allowing us access to unconscious behaviors and ancestral stories that are informing our present experience.

What is Acutonics?

Acutonics is system of applied sound vibration that draws on concepts of East Asian medicine and the planetary frequencies of Hans Cousto.  

It works with the concpet of sympathic resounance.   As above so within so without.  

In Acutonics we work with tuning forks that are tuned to the harmonics of the frequencies of plantery bodies. As the moon affects the tides of the earth so these planteray bodies influence our fluids and tissues and even our psyches.  The forks are applied to the merdians of the body in order to open the free flow of Qi in our system.  Each fork has a different resounce and therefore offers the body unique vibratory information that the body entrains with.


Certified Biofield Tuning® practioncer
Certified Acutonics®  practioncer
Biosonics harmonics course
MFA Bard College

$150 for 75 min
*Distance sessions, though if you are in the New York area an inperson session is possible


capacity to experience without expectation. With curiosity, we are able to allow our awareness to expand and to engage our imagination in order to shift our lived experience.  This relationship to life has been shaped out of my own journey with chronic pain and the lessons it has gifted me.